07 February 2025
BINF- Museum Day – Sneak preview!
Early this morning, before the crowds appeared, we took a walk around our Beulah Museum.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Early this morning, before the crowds appeared, we took a walk around our Beulah Museum.
This week we were lucky enough to have a visit from David at RedStart, a charity for primary-school children which delivers financial education through progressive learning, who came to teach us all about money and how to make smart decisions to keep our money safe.
On Thursday, Year 1 had a brilliant morning discovering new and exciting facts about toys from the past.
Our Year 1 classes had a fantastic day on Monday, learning all about toys from the past.
Our Year 1 classes were thrilled yesterday by the visit of Mrs Jenkins, who brought a whole load of old toys to explore!
On Tuesday, Year 1 had lots of fun learning about old and new toys.
Our YR1 classes would like to say a HUGE Thank you to Mrs Jenkins, who embarked us yesterday on a journey back in time… The children were so excited to learn about the old toys.
Last week, all of the reception children performed in their Christmas Concert.
Harrisons did us proud with our Christmas lunch! The children enjoyed special Christmas table settings, a lovely Christmas lunch and some Christmas music!
Many of us look forward to the coming of Christmas for many different reasons.
We are very proud to announce that Miss Chapman, Deputy Head of School, is part of a Department for Education campaign to promote careers in the Early Years.
Our Year 1 classes had lots of fun on their day at the Science Museum!
Our Year 1 children had an amazing adventure at the Science Museum.
Our YR1 classes had a fabulous time this week on their Moon immersion day.
A busy week again at Atwood. In Reception, the children have been busy learning about being a resilient learner and developing their writing skills.