11 February 2022

CYP Upper: Take a Sneaky Peek at our Museum Week!

We have had a wonderfully creative week. Year 6 have been creating death masks and learning about mummification, the process of preserving bodies ready for the afterlife. Year 5 have been creating Viking armour, Year 4 have been creating Roman ‘bullas’ and mosaics and Year 3 have been taken back in time, to the Victorian era! Please revisit the news page to read about our Museum week projects.

This week we have been learning about Online Safety.  The theme for Safer Internet Day 2022 is ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’.  We have been thinking carefully about how we an keep ourselves safe online, whether we’re using the Internet to find information or playing games online.  Please remind your child to only use trusted websites, never give out their personal information (name, age, address, school etc.) and to tell a trusted adult if they see anything that worries them online.  There are some great online safety resources for the whole family on the Parent Zone website so please do explore these.

Gold Award Winners

We have also had our Gold Award assembly today. We were celebrating independent learners, children who are resourceful, resilient, reflective and collaborative in their approach to learning. It was vey difficult for teachers to pick just two teachers, but the Gold Award winners this half-term are:


(Y6) Beech: Carla & Kemara           Oak: Indya-Marie & Nicole A 

(Y5) Sycamore: Erin & Evan           Willow: Zeenat & Harry       Hazel: Sofia & Martyna

(Y4) Rowan: Viola & Nealan      Hawthorn: Tamila & Theon       Lime: Matilda & Jemima

(Y3) Birch: Ethan & Xaviera          Cedar:Maya & James              Holly: Gokhan & Beatrice

Rainbow Winners

Class Name Rainbow 1 Rainbow 2
Holly Betaneya – for confidently using her capitalising skills in all lessons. Tess – for confidently capitalising on her skills and resources during lessons
Cedar Fungie – an independent learner, who has used her learning powers to achieve her best this week. Jago has spent this week being super absorbed, noticing details in class and feeding back his ideas clearly.
Birch Maria- for being super absorbed when completing her architectural sketch of her replacement building for The Crystal Palace. Sewa-  for amazing noticing skills when using the resources around you to be independent.
Lime Jemimah – for always being absorbed in her tasks and persevering when she is stuck. She always uses her prior knowledge to help her and completes all tasks with 100% effort. Well done! Ami – for staying absorbed in her tasks and completing them as best she can. She perseveres when she is finding a task challenging. She has made great progress learning her sounds which she uses when reading and writing. Well done! J
Hawthorn Frank – for persevering to improve his handwriting. Raul – for changing his attitude to his learning with a positive result.
Rowan Hector –  for applying his knowledge of multiplication to find the area of his table top in sticky notes. Ben –  for his dedication to improving his reading using Lexia.
Hazel Malcolm – for caring for others in the playground Xavier –  for improved focus in lessons.
Willow Romy – for showing excellent reasoning skills when faced with tricky factor problems. Ashvi – for showing real commitment to improving her reading skills on Lexia.
Sycamore Lucy – for keeping an amazingly positive attitude, even when facing a big change in her life. Evan – for persevering and keeping strong, especially when feeling down.
Beech Bailey – for trying her hardest to improve her independence. Mercy – for being a fantastic Pegasus Person.
Oak Sundus – for her enthusiasm and support in editing the class assembly. Rileigh-Jae – for staying focused during lessons and persevering when she is having difficulties.

Cypress Superstars

Eduard in Beech class won the Golden Lock this week. Enjoy your prize and keep up the sustainable travel! Alex and Amelia wowed me with their Egyptian death masks and Connor had showed attention to detail with his artwork. Jackson has written a review for the book Loki: A Bad God’s Guide to Being Good, which has been published in First News! It is a very detailed and informative review too, Jackson – well done! Matilde came to show me her artwork inspired by American graffiti artist Keith Haring, which she completed at home. Matilde you are very dedicated  and talented! Ralph has been busy at home showing his creativity and sewing talents by making a pair of combat trousers! Wow! I’m putting in my order Ralph! Sam, Lucy, Nicole, Viola and Leah impressed me with a Forest School inspired song and performed it beautifully in the office! They also performed it for their classmates and Miss Binks in their classroom. You used rhyme, thought carefully about how the words fit your rhythm and showed great confidence when performing – very impressive! Amelija has been making amazing gains in her phonics and read her book to me beautifully and understood everything she had read. Lily wrote a very detailed set of instructions paying attention to the use of imperative verbs and use of short, clear sentences. Amelia in Lime class created a very impressive project on volcanoes that included leaflets and posters! It was informative, eye-catching and well-researched! Keep up the hard work. We are very proud of you- especially as you invested so much of your time at home on your project!

Book Week
The second week after half term is Book Week, which is always a real highlight of our year at Cypress.  Our wonderful PTFA fundraise to ensure that every year group at Cypress gets a visit and a workshop from an author and this year we are thrilled that they are able to visit in person.  We are focusing on Poetry this year; please click here for further details.  On Thursday 4th March, Cypress will be celebrating World Book Day where children (and staff!) can come to school dressed as their favourite book character.  Please also consider donating to the brand new Upper School library, which will be opening after half term.  Click here to read the letter and find out how you can donate a new book for all Cypress children to enjoy for years to come.
Pegasus Parent and Carer Questionnaire

The Pegasus Parent and Carer Questionnaire 2021-22 is now live!  Please click here to complete the survey and share your views.

We hope that you have a great half term break and will see you when we return on  21st February!


Mrs Carpenter and the Upper School team

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Published on 11th February, 2022

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