21 December 2023

CYP: Celebrating a Successful Term

It has been a busy four days in the run up to the Christmas after what has been a very long term.  We would like to thank the children and staff for all their perseverance and hard work in what has been a very long half term.  It has been lovely to see so many parents and carers in school for one or more of the fantastic Christmas performances our children have produced and we thank you for your support.

The focused, dedicated learning has continued right until the end of term with lots of Cypress Superstars to celebrate this week. Well done to our worthy Road Safety Week competition winners – we saw some of the winning entries last week. Well done to Hazel, Bea, Ted, Daniel. Lucy, Joe, Flora and Abbey! See the gallery for the winners’ photo! Louis came to visit me last week for his amazing Spanish skills. His Spanish teacher was extremely complimentary of his effort and presentation in every session! Felicidades, Louis. Keep up the dedication to learning! Pablo visited me for exeptional progress in maths lessons. He coud confidently justify his answers, reflect on incorrect answers and explain where the misconception had been! Great effort, Pablo.

Bethlehem and Frank have been learning about Spanish culture and regaled Miss Binks and I with interesting facts they had learned. You were both so articulate and confident. We are very proud of you both. Mateus also visited the office to show what he had learned about inventions through the ages – he has also been working on his presentation! Great job, Mateus!Justin has also been hard at work honing his writing skills. He has written a footballing book and completed it with very carefully drawn illustrations – all in his own time. It’s great to see how much you enjoy writing, Justin! Keep it up! Alice, Bea and Layla had created amazing fold out Christmas cards – very creative!

Gold Award

This half term’s Gold Award was given to those children who consistently make positive behaviour choices and are excellent role models to others.  Congratulations to the following children who have earned a Gold Award this half term.

Orange Class- Hawwa and Jad Violet Class- Josiah and Alba Lime Class – Ayisha and Melissa
Yellow Class-  Tyla and Kit Turquoise Class – Favour and Corey Sycamore Class – Leo and Aaliyah
Red Class – Orla and Tobyn Cedar Class – Giorgia and Kobi Willow Class – Ivy and Ezra
Indigo Class – Eve and Albi Holly Class – Kaycee and Aidan Hazel Class – Teyana and Quinn
Blue Class – Marcel and Rosie Birch Class – Milena and Rex Beech Class – Thomas and Lexie
Green Class – Raine and Matthew Hawthorn Class – Alicia and Lloyd Oak Class – Ian and Scarlett
Ruby Class – Luis and Jocelyn Rowan Class – Jadiael and Eva- Lily Larch Class – Beatriz and Mathilde

Year 6 Buddy Reading with Reception

On Tuesday morning, Year 6 joined up with Reception to complete some buddy reading.  The Year 6 pupils did an excellent job introducing themselves to the children, making them feel at ease and even arriving ready with a book to share.  It was wonderful to see the children so engrossed in their books and enjoying reading together.  Thank you Year 6!

Year 1 and 2 Christmas Concerts

On Tuesday we were treated to two wonderful perfromances from Year 1 and Year 2.  We are so proud of the children for the confidence they showed when performing.  To read the article about the Year 1 concert click here and for the Year 2 concert here.

Reading Tree Rewards

On Monday, KS1 and KS2 had our Reading Tree assemblies to celebrate all the children who have been reading regularly reading this half term.  All children who read regularly were entered into a prize draw to win a book. They also received a special book mark. At the Lower School, we also recognised those children who have been making good use of ‘Bug Club’ to support with their reading at home. The classes with the most regular readers who have earned pyjama reading afternoon were Ruby Class and Blue Class. At the Upper School, the children who have won a reading cafe afternoon are: Cedar, Hawthorn, Sycamore and Larch! Well done to all children who are consistently reading daily this term!

Cypress Lower – Staff Pantomine

We started this morning with a fabulous pantomine from our staff which all the children really enjoyed.  This year we put on a performance of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk.  The audience participation was amazing.  What a fantastic way to start our final day.  Thank you to all our staff who gave up their time to rehearse, learn lines and make props.  You made a really memorable occasion for the children!

PTFA Virtual Pantomime

Thank you to our PTFA who funded a virtual pantomime for all our children to watch and enjoy.  We really appreciate the thought and organiation that went into providing this experience for the children.

Follow Pegasus on Instagram

Pegasus news stories have now stopped being shared on Twitter and are available instead on Instagram (@pegasusacademytrust) which seems to be a more upbeat social media platform these days.  Please follow us there to see good news stories from across the Trust

We wish all of our children and families a restful and relaxing break and look forward to welcoming you back to school on Monday 8th January.

Mrs Carpenter, Ms Binks and the Cypress Team

Image Gallery

Published on 21st December, 2023

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