09 February 2023

Beulah-Children’s Mental Health Week

This week, we have been looking at how we can look after our mental health. We have learnt that mental health is all about how we are feeling and how this affects the way we behave and the choices we make. In our assembly, we explored ways that can help us feel better at times we are experiencing emotions that make us feel uncomfortable including, being mindful, taking part in an activity or playing a game. We also reminded ourselves about how important it is to get help and thought about the adults that we can trust to ask for help. During the week, we have been really trying hard to think about and use the ideas from the ‘Lets Connect’ theme from Place2BEe and encouraging children to connect with others in a healthy, rewarding and meaningful ways. The children’s favourite part of the week was when Mrs Quick and her son William brought their lovely dog ‘Sasha’ into school and they learnt how wonderful it is to be able to connect to an animal as well as people.




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Published on 9th February, 2023

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