05 December 2024
WHINF – Tudor Day
Year 2 are reaching the end of their Thematic topic ‘The Terrible Tudors’ and to celebrate our learning we held a Tudor Day yesterday.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Year 2 are reaching the end of their Thematic topic ‘The Terrible Tudors’ and to celebrate our learning we held a Tudor Day yesterday.
Over the past few weeks, Year 2 have been looking at the work of artist Hans Holbein.
Year 2 have loved reading Roald Dahl’s The Twits. It may be an old book, but it’s definitely a gold book.
Year 2 ended Autumn 1 with a visit to Hampton Court Palace.
Year 2 have loved their DT project all about muffins. In science we have been learning about eating a balanced diet and thought that by adding fruit or vegetables to our muffins they would become more balanced.
Year 2 are learning about animals including humans in science. Over the past few weeks they have been learning about the different food groups and how we need to eat food from each of the food groups in order for our bodies to grow strong and healthy.
This week year 2 had a visit from Nabhi who engaged us in a wonderful workshop about the Hindu festival Diwali.
Ahoy there me hearties! Year 2 have had a wonderful day sailing the seven seas in their pirate ships.
The week before half term was science week. Year 2 became Habitat Heroes as they discovered how habitats have changed over time.
Indigo and Lilac Classes set off on Tuesday to become habitat explorers at Morden Hall Park.
Year 2 have got really stuck into their maths learning about measure these past few weeks.
The Iron Man with his head shaped like a dustbin and as big as a bedroom has been seen stomping around the classrooms at Whitehorse these past 2 weeks.
Year 2 have been learning about suitable conditions for plant growth in science.
Year 2 had a great time yesterday morning, taking part in a fun relay event.
Children at Whitehorse Infants were excited to come to school dressed in red today to celebrate Red Nose Day.