01 December 2022
Atwood’s Big Debate for Key Stage Two #5
Results from the previous Big Debate #4- Should we sweep leaves on our streets?
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Results from the previous Big Debate #4- Should we sweep leaves on our streets?
As you know, Seve came to see us last week. He really enjoyed the cuddles and strokes that he received while at the Upper School.
Hi, this is a message from the ECO squad at Cypress!
Ecclesbourne had the amazing opportunity to meet the author Banji Alexander.
We are very excited to tell you that WHJUN have been donated over 800 books (by the Children’s Book Project) to share with the children.
Results from the previous Big Debate #3- Should young athletes put sport first?
A while back we posted the news story below about reading and our favourite places to read.
Thank you to all the parents, carers and children who attended the initial meeting about the Year 6 residential trip 2022-23 last night.
We started the week with an assembly led by Miss Binks focusing on the importance of being a great friend to others and what being a good friend looks like in practice.
The Year 6 team are very excited to announce that this academic year’s residential trip for Year 6 has been finalised!
Last week, year 5 had a Victorian day which many children enjoyed.
Results from the previous Big Debate #2-Are climate protests going too far?
This week has been a busy week, but we have also been reflective.
Today, Armistice Day, or Remembrance Day as it’s also known, marks the very day that World War One ended in 1918.
Following a minute’s silence at 11.00am today, we gathered for our Remembrance Assembly.