04 March 2022
Year 3 had a fantastic end to Book Week! Yesterday, we dressed up as our favourite book characters and had a day full of book talk and inspiring others to read our favourite books.
Please click here for more details.
Year 3 had a fantastic end to Book Week! Yesterday, we dressed up as our favourite book characters and had a day full of book talk and inspiring others to read our favourite books.
Whitehorse Manor Infants were fortunate enough to be visited this week by Michael De Souza, co-author of the book series Rastamouse!
In Beulah Nursery this week, we read the book ‘Willbee the Bumblebee.’
After a jam-packed Book Week, we rounded off celebrations with a fabulous assembly led by Margaret Bateson-Hill, here at Lower School.
Year 4 at Cypress were so lucky to meet published poet, Neal Zetter, on Tuesday 1st March.
Yesterday, Year 5 had the opportunity to meet the illustrator- Selom Sunu.
To help us celebrate World Book Day, a member of one of our families kindly donated copies of her fantastic book to our school this week.
With recent higher numbers of COVID cases across the UK the SLT of the Pegasus Academy Trust has put in place some new precautionary measures to keep us all safe as we enter the last weeks of term.
This week saw the first ever clash of the Girls’ football teams from Whitehorse and Ecclesbourne.
On Wednesday this week, lots of the children put down their pens and had a day without writing.
Year 3 had a brilliant time on their trip to Crystal Palace park this week.
This week we had a very special assembly delivered by our Junior Travel Ambassadors showing us how to stay safe on the roads and launching their road safety competitions.
We have had a fun-packed and busy week in Little Cypress!
This week the children in Reception have been looking at the book ‘Granny went to market’.
We’ve had another busy and productive week at Cypress Lower School.