10 October 2022

Computing team curriculum development day

One of the advantages to being part of a Multi Academy Trust is that all staff are part of a much bigger team than they would be in a single ‘standalone’ school.  Pegasus are always looking to improve our schools for our families and so we periodically get together in subject teams to consider how we might do things better.  Today the computing team, of eight staff, met to consider our plan for what we will developing next in computing.  We looked at current good practice and considered how well the implementation of our chosen computing scheme of work, ‘Purple Mash’, was going.  We reconfigured some on the units of work in different year groups to ensure that we cover the work in the best order and in a way that is manageable for children and staff.  Staff from all Pegasus schools were represented.

We decided on three main priorities for the year ahead:

  1. To develop staff confidence in teaching computing, especially for staff new to the Trust;
  2. To design and implement a vocabulary progression document for computing;
  3. To review and revise our assessment in computing

Our subject teams are ‘in house’ experts and seek to raise the profile of their subject in planning meetings, in staff meetings, on the web site and with parents.  Pegasus has invested heavily to make sure all our schools have the hardware necessary to teach computing each week for all classes in the school.  We know many of our children take great interest in this subject and we know that there is an international shortage of tech workers so we work hard to ensure the Pegasus schools play our part in sparking an interest in the subject and developing basic skills.  Hopefully some of our children will go on to make this their career and maybe we’ll have nurtured south London’s own Bill Gates in 20 years time.

Published on 10th October, 2022

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