19 May 2023

CYP LOWER – Growing and Learning in Little Cypress!

Growing and Learning 

It’s been ‘all grow’ in Little Cypress this week! We have been listening to the story of ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ and thinking about all the different vegetables Oliver tried in a week. We learned about beetroot, cabbage, peas, spinach, carrots and potatoes. Oliver said he only ate chips when he went to stay with his Grandpa. Grandpa grows all his own vegetables and makes a deal with Oliver that if he wants chips he needs to find the potatoes first, and whatever else he finds, he must try that vegetable with no complaints! We had a a wonderful time printing with the various vegetables from the story, as well as playing with an Oliver’s Vegetables themed tuff tray with mini vegetables to plant.

This week has also seen us carefully watching our Cress Mountain grow. Last Friday we sowed the seeds on compost and watered it really well. Just a week later and we have a veritable forest of mustard and cress! The children have been brilliant in remembering to water the cress seeds and keeping everyone up to date with the growth of the seeds. Next week we can make cress sandwiches with our harvest. We have each planted broad beans and are going to monitor their growth and look after them really well; watering them and ensuring they have access to light.

Makaton Sign of the Week 

Our Makaton Sign of the Week for this week is bubbles. Click here to find out how to sign this word.

What a fabulous week of learning we have had and we hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Chapman and the Little Cypress Team

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Published on 19th May, 2023

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