17 November 2023
Friendship Week at Cypress
We have been celebrating Friendship Week at Cypress, focusing on the theme of kindness.
Please click here for more details.
We have been celebrating Friendship Week at Cypress, focusing on the theme of kindness.
Atwood Primary School has an Ofsted inspection this week. We would appreciate it if families could complete the Ofsted Parent View questionnaire.
Welcome back to Cypress! We hope everyone had a fabulous half term and we are really proud of our children returning to school and trying so hard with their learning this week.
At Cypress this week we have been celebrating Black History through assemblies and learning in class.
Thank you to those who were able to attend our Coffee Morning last Thursday.
At the Lower School this week Mrs Guerry led an assembly about building resilience.
At the Lower school this week Ms Nardozza led an assembly introducing the role of our School Council.
We are so proud of how our youngest children in Rainbows, Nursery and Reception have been settling into their new classes.
It’s been a fabulous (and incredibly hot!) week at Cypress as we’ve welcomed back children in Years 1 to 6.
Last Thursday our Year 2 classes performed their Leavers’ Assembly to Reception, Year 1 and their past teachers in the morning.
Last Friday we were all singing in the rain as Sports Day continued despite the Summer showers.
We hope everyone has had a great week and we’re looking forward to seeing children and families at the PTFA Summer Celebration tomorrow (Saturday 8th July, 2-7pm).
Thank you to those who attended our Coffee Morning on Tuesday 4th July.
This week has been very exciting as our Reception Caterpillars have hatched into butterflies and flown to freedom!
This week we were treated to a concert showcasing the budding musicians we have at Cypress.