29 November 2024
ATW Wellbeing Ambassadors
Yesterday was the first meeting of this academic year for our newly appointed Wellbeing Ambassadors.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Yesterday was the first meeting of this academic year for our newly appointed Wellbeing Ambassadors.
Year 6 had an amazing day out at the Natural History Museum, filled with excitement and discovery!
This week, we have been showing how kind and caring we are towards each other as it has been ‘Friendship Week’ At the Lower School, we started the week with a special assembly led by Miss Williams where we learnt all about what it means to be a good friend.
On Monday morning, at the Upper School, the House Captains delivered a very emotive and informative assembly.
A busy week again at Atwood. In Reception, the children have been busy learning about being a resilient learner and developing their writing skills.
On Wednesday 13th November, the children and staff at Whitehorse Manor Junior School celebrated the meaning of RESPECT for our individuality and expressed this through wearing ‘odd socks’.
Our Black History Month celebration is always such a positive way to end the term.
It was simply delightful to meet the newly elected members of year 6 School Council 24-25.
On the 24th July 2024 the School Council Team at Whitehorse Manor Juniors have formed a ‘Well-being Committee’.
Year 6 students have been diving into a flurry of activities since returning to school.
Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended the meeting last night all about our residential camping trip to Cuffley!
As you are hopefully aware, the deadline for applying for a secondary school for your child to attend in September 2025 is fast approaching.
It has been lovely to welcome our new Reception and Nursery starters and their families this week as they begin their Atwood journey.
It is always hard to say goodbye to our leavers, and we all enjoy our leavers’ assembly and the range of certificates presented, from the final Gold Awards, to the class based ‘Most likely to…’ certificates which always tell us so much about how well the children and staff know and like each other.
On Monday, Atwood hosted a six team, seven a side football tournament for local schools.