05 September 2023

RAAC in the schools of the Pegasus Academy Trust

Parents and carers will have become aware of the current issue with some schools in the UK that have buildings made of RAAC – Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete.  Some parents have called to ask whether we have RAAC in our schools.

Most of our schools have buildings that either predate the use of RAAC (Beulah, Whitehorse, Cypress), have pitched roofs where RAAC wouldn’t normally be used (Atwood, Ecclesbourne, Cypress) or have been built or updated recently after RAAC was no longer used (BRIG, parts of Whitehorse Juniors).

However, despite our best endeavours, this is not an area where we would call ourselves experts and so we are seeking some further advice and having some core samples taken to confirm our assessments.  As you would expect safety is our first priority and if any RAAC is found we will act immediately.  However, as it stands, we have not discovered RAAC on any of our sites.  If there are any other developments we will keep parents informed.

Jolyon Roberts
Executive Principal

Published on 5th September, 2023

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