18 January 2022

CYP UPPER – Idling Project for Years 5 & 6

Years 5 and 6 were treated to a very informative presentation by Natalie from the Idling Project, an initiative which aims to teach everyone about the impact of idling cars on air pollution.

The children reviewed their understanding of what makes up our air and what impact polluted air has on our health. With Natalie’s help, pupils across the two year groups identified the largest contributors to air pollution as vehicles, trains, industry and also heating. Out of those 4 areas, vehicles were the biggest pollutant, as there are 2.6 million cars in London, and idling vehicles were the biggest contributor to air pollution around London primary schools.

To help improve the impact of idling cars, the children have been set a competition to design an informative poster to educate drivers in our local area. The winning posters will be displayed for everyone to see, so do watch out for them!

Many thanks to Natalie and also the children in Y5 and Y6, as they contributed their ideas brilliantly during the presentation.


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Published on 18th January, 2022

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