04 November 2022

CYP LOWER – Little Cypress: Is there Room on the Broom?

Little Cypress have had a short but eventful first week back at school! We have been listening to and thinking about the rhyming words in the Julia Donaldson classic: ‘Room on the Broom’ and impressing all the adults with how much of the story we remember, especially when re-enacting it using the small world resources and puppets. Thinking about the words that rhyme really help with our early phonics and we have had great fun thinking of silly words that rhyme. Try doing this at home; the children love it!

Another fun activity this week has been playing with different sized and coloured pumpkins and squashes. We used push pins to press carefully in to the fruits and then made a huge variety of shapes by adding elastic bands around the push pins. This was a very popular task and promoted such fantastic problem solving and initiated many conversations.

We look forward to seeing those of you who can make it to our Little Cypress Curriculum and Information Meeting on Tuesday, 8th November at 9.15am in the Lower School Hall. Copies of the presentation will be available on the school website for those of you who may be unable to attend.

Have a wonderful weekend!

The Little Cypress Team

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Published on 4th November, 2022

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