26 May 2023

CYP LOWER – Fantastic Fruit Fun in Little Cypress

Fruit Salad

What a healthy and fun-packed week we have had in Little Cypress, to draw this half-term to a close! We have been learning all about different kinds of fruit after reading the story of ‘Oliver’s Fruit Salad’. We used all of the fruit mentioned in the story, including: pineapples, pears, apples, apricots, watermelon, satsumas and bananas. We all had a go at chopping up the various fruits to create our own fruit salads. Despite some protests (just like Oliver!) that they didn’t like fruit, everyone had a taste and decided which fruit they liked the best. Watermelon was a firm favourite! Later in the week, we practised our cutting skills by cutting out different fruit to put in a fruit basket. The staff were so impressed with how industriously the children had a go at using scissors.

Makaton Sign of the Week 

As usual, we have learned a new Makaton sign this week. Click here to learn how to sign the word ‘burger’.

Growing Galore!

We started the week by harvesting some mustard and cress from our Cress Mountain to make cress sandwiches. We all buttered our own bread and enjoying tasting the delicious crop we had grown from scratch just over a week ago. The remaining mustard and cress was put to good use as a home for a Dinosaur World in our small world play. Our broad beans are growing really well and we are remembering to water them every day. Lastly, some of our tadpoles have grown in to froglets at last and we released them in to the pond, along with the other tadpoles, to stretch their legs and swim freely!

Seve in Nursery

We are all particularly kind to our school dog, Seve, when he comes to visit in Nursery and we have learned how to be very gentle around him. Seve loves all the attention he gets, the grooming and the cuddles! What a lucky dog he is to have so many friends.

It seems unbelievable that we are approaching the final half-term of the school year! We hope you all have a very happy and relaxing half-term break.

Miss Chapman and The Little Cypress Team

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Published on 26th May, 2023

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