28 April 2023

Atwood Nursery immersed in nature

In Nursery, our topic is the current season of spring.  We have been reading the book: When will it be spring? By Catherine Walters.  The children had the task of going on a spring hunt.  First they discussed the signs of spring that they knew already and learned about some new ones.  Next they went on an exploration of our school grounds.  Working in pairs, the children had their eyes wide open to see what they could find.  They were able to see many signs of spring including: blossom, green leaves, a birds’ nest, birds in the trees, insects, saplings, daffodils and many other flowers currently growing in Forest School.
We have also been focusing on the story ‘Jack and the beanstalk’ which links with spring as it is a time of growing in nature.  We ordered beanstalk leaf numerals 0-13 (the number of children in our carpet times) as well as trying to match some with quantities too.  We have story mapped using mathematical language including ‘now’, ‘next’, ‘then’, using images to help sequence together.  The children enjoyed creating puppets to use in their own imaginative play. And you could not look at the story of ‘Jack and the beanstalk’ without planting some peas. The children loved creating their very own beanstalks to take home.

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Published on 28th April, 2023

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