26 April 2024

ATW Early Years news – Ducklings

This week in Reception, we have been extremely lucky to have five ducklings staying with us. The children enjoyed learning all about ducks and have become mini experts! 

When our feathered friends arrived, we started researching how to look after them properly. We learned that they need lots of water, special food, and a warm place to sleep. The children came up with questions about ducks so we did more research and found out lots of new things. The children then created information booklets writing lots of facts down so that they could share their knowledge of ducks.  

The children have enjoyed handling the ducklings. They have been careful to be quiet around them so as not to scare them. They have learned to hold them gently so they do not run away and to be calm so they feel safe. Some ducklings felt so safe they fell asleep on the children’s laps while having a stroke. 

Children from the rest of the school have been coming down to see the ducklings so it has been an experience that has been enjoyed by all.  A big thank you goes to the FOAP, who paid for the hatching kit.  

We have had another busy week in nursery exploring all about transport.  We have been able to design and make our own cars, which we all really enjoyed.  We have also been making different transport using our hands such as, fire engines, rockets, and boats.

This week, we have been investigating 2D and 3D shapes, describing their properties and explaining how we can tell the difference. Using our fine motor skills, we created  to create different shapes using lolly sticks. This encouraged us to be able to name them correctly.  We also carefully threaded around a variety of shapes.  As well as investigating shapes, we have been looking at positional language. This encouraged us to use the soft play so that we could act out being in, on, under or in between.

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Published on 26th April, 2024

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