10 June 2022

CYP Lower – A busy return to school!

It’s been amazing to welcome back our children and families after half term.  We’ve had a very busy week, with our Year 1 children completing their Phonics Screening Check (PSC) and Year 2 children visiting Morden Hall Park.

This week, Reception have been learning all about minibeasts and have made some fantastic booklets where they describe a minibeast they have in mind and then their friends and adults in their class have to guess which minibeast they are describing. We had some brilliant descriptions and amazing powers of deduction in guessing!

Year 1 have been getting very creative and making fabulous African masks this week. They have been thinking about verbs, adjectives and nouns in sentences and using these elements of grammar to create poems. We have many budding Poet Laureates at Cypress Lower – well done! .

Year 2 have been learning about position and direction, using Beebots to follow instructions.  They have also been learning about the story of ‘Gregory Cool’ and taking their learning outside to hotseat the protagonist Gregory.

During assembly this week, Miss Wenham and the Lower School Council proudly showed us our new playground equipment.  Following their cake sale fundraising efforts back in the Spring term, the School Council have met numerous times to choose new resources within a budget, order items and sorted them into class boxes ready for the playground.  During assembly they showed Year 1 and Year 2 how they could use and play with the new resources and spoke about taking good care of them and sharing with our friends.  Well done to the School Council for improving playtimes at Cypress!

The much anticipated PTFA Summer Fair is this Sunday 12th June from 1pm, on the Lower School field.  Please come along, bring your friends and family and help raise funds for our children at Cypress. There’ll be the usual fun with a bouncy castle, face painting, lots of craft activities and games for the children, as well as an open mic session for the children to perform if they’d like to.  Tickets are £3 per child, which gives them two goes on the bouncy castle, as well as access to all crafts and games.  Face painting, external stalls and refreshments/bar/food is extra.  Adults go free (unless you would like to generously make a voluntary donation).  Buy your tickets now at www.ptfa-events.co.uk/cypressptfa or pay on the door.  We can’t wait to see you there!  A HUGE thanks to the wonderful PTFA volunteers and supporters for all their efforts.

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you at the Fair on Sunday!

Mrs Sorensen and the CYP Lower Team

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Published on 10th June, 2022

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