10 December 2021

CYP Lower – Ring out the bells!

This week we have seen children in every year group practising and performing their Christmas shows.  On Thursday Ruby class shared their assembly with their parents and the rest of Year 2, teaching us all about Advent.  On Thursday afternoon our Reception children performed their Nativity to the rest of the Lower School during their dress rehearsal and then amazed their parents and carers with a fantastic performance on Friday morning.  We are so proud of their wonderful singing and brilliant speaking and we’re sure we’ll spot many of these children in the West End one day!  Our Year 1 children performed to their parents and carers on Friday afternoon, dazzling us all with beautiful singing and Winter poems.  Next week we’re looking forward to our Year 2 singing performance on Tuesday afternoon, the second showing of the Reception Nativity on Wednesday afternoon and Little Cypress singing show on Thursday.  A HUGE thank you to our absolutely wonderful staff for organising and leading these performances.

On Wednesday, Year 1 children zoomed off in rockets to the moon!  Click here to read more about their adventures.  Children in Year 2 have been busy writing using similies and have produced some amazingly descriptive writing this week.  Congratulations to our Rainbow certificate winners this week and to Leo, Harry and Alice who won Word of the Week rosettes.  Next week the Word of the Week is singing so please pop your sentences into the golden box for a chance to win.

Last week we held the PTFA Winter Fair, which was a huge success!  The fundraising total is still being counted and we’d like to say a massive thank you to the dedicated PTFA team who work tirelessly to raise funds to support our Cypress children.  Thank you to those who attended!  We’re looking forward to the Year 1 (Monday) and Year 2 disco (Wednesday) next week after school.

Today has been Christmas Jumper Day and we have all been dressed festively to raise funds for ‘Save the Children’.  We have raised over £150 for charity today – well done CYP Lower School!

Next week we have a special Reading Tree assembly on Monday, where we will be celebrating children who have read regularly and handing out rewards and prizes.  Watch this space as the winning classes in Year 1 and Year 2 will be treated to a special bedtime reading afternoon next Thursday, where they can change into their PJs for the afternoon and cosy up with a book.  A letter will be sent home with your child on Monday if their class has won.

What a busy week!  Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mrs Sorensen and the CYP Lower Team

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Published on 10th December, 2021

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