27 May 2022

CYP Lower – Gold Awards for being a team player

Well done to our Gold Award recipients this half term!  We have celebrated two children from each class who have demonstrated that they are a team player, discussing what this means in assembly.  Their photos will be displayed in the hall for the next half term, along with a blurb from their class teacher explaining why they received the award.  We are very proud of you all!

Reception have been enjoying their dance lessons with a specialist teacher on Thursdays this half term.  They have been learning different dances based on fairy tales.

Children in Year 1 had a fantastic day at the Horniman Museum and we are very proud of their positive behaviour, demonstrating that they are all ‘Pegasus People’.  They enjoyed a brilliant African workshop and a fabulous time in the sunshine.  After half term our Year 1 children (and some Year 2 children) will be taking the Phonics Screening Check and you can read the letter that was sent home earlier in the week by clicking here.

In Year 2 children have been using persuasive language to encourage the fox (from ‘The Fox and the Star’) to give up or keep searching for his friend Star.  We used the drama technique ‘conscience alley’ to explore the different sides of the argument and this has inspired some incredible writing.  We are very proud of our Year 2s for completing their special ‘quizzes’ over the last few weeks.  Well done, Year 2!

We have an Active Travel Art Competition running in school this term entitled: What can you see on your journey to school?  This would be a great half term project for families!  Children can hand in art work to their teacher until the deadline of Friday 24th June and submissions can be any size, theme or art medium.  Please ensure your child’s name is on their art work.  We will display these in school and announce winners in assembly later in the Summer term.

The Cypress Primary School PTFA would love you to join us at our annual summer family fair at the Lower site on Sunday 12th June between 1pm and 5pm.  There’ll be the usual fun with a bouncy castle, face painting, lots of craft activities and games for the children, as well as an open mic session for the children to perform if they’d like to.  Tickets are £3 per child, which gives them two goes on the bouncy castle, as well as access to all crafts and games.  Face painting, external stalls and refreshments/bar/food is extra.  Adults go free (unless you would like to generously make a voluntary donation).  Buy your tickets now at www.ptfa-events.co.uk/cypressptfa or pay on the door.  We can’t wait to see you there!  As always, these things won’t work without volunteers so if you can spare an hour on that day then please do sign up on the website or email cypressptfa@pegasusacademytrust.org  and thank you also to everyone who signed up for a Pedder advertising board which will be arriving soon.

We hope everyone has a lovely half term and look forward to welcoming you all back to school on Monday 6th June.

Mrs Sorensen and the CYP Lower Team

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Published on 27th May, 2022

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