20 December 2023

BRIG/EPS/WHJUN-Working with our local community update

Two years ago junior children from Whitehorse Manor-Brigstock site and Eccelsbourne took part in the Green Project at Bensham allotments.  Alongside community volunteers from ‘Pamper Indulge and Give’ they developed an abandoned plot into a productive fruit and vegetable filled oasis.

Children used wood working skills to build growing beds, they weaved fences and created their own eco bricks. They then took on the challenge of preparing the soil, creating pathways, planting weeding and watering.

The children loved watching the plants grow and flourish under their helping hands.  They were even more excited to use the fruits and vegetables harvested to supply Levi Roots with the produce he needed to cook them a lovely BBQ!

Excitingly, Pamper Indulge and Give have now produced a book that dives into the heart of it’s health and wellbeing programme sharing this journey.  To explore this book which features some of our children please follow the link https://amzn.eu/d/hlH7FXL



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Published on 20th December, 2023

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