15 January 2025
BINF-Welcome to the toy museum!
Our Year 1 classes were thrilled yesterday by the visit of Mrs Jenkins, who brought a whole load of old toys to explore!
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Our Year 1 classes were thrilled yesterday by the visit of Mrs Jenkins, who brought a whole load of old toys to explore!
Our YR1 classes would like to say a HUGE Thank you to Mrs Jenkins, who embarked us yesterday on a journey back in time… The children were so excited to learn about the old toys.
Our Year 1 classes had lots of fun on their day at the Science Museum!
Our Year 1 children had an amazing adventure at the Science Museum.
Our YR1 classes had a fabulous time this week on their Moon immersion day.
Our YR1 classes had a fabulous time today on their Moon immersion day.
Our Year 1 classes had a fantastic time this week, visiting Thornton Heath Recreational Ground and looking for geographical features on the way.
Our three Year 1 classes visited the park this week, as part of their thematic learning about geographical features in the local area.
Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended our Year 1 curriculum meeting this morning.
Our children had a fantastic day at the Horniman Museum.
Our Year 1 classes had a great day this week at the Horniman museum.
Our Year 1 classes had a fantastic day today, learning all about toys from the past.
Our Year 1 classes had a fantastic day on Wednesday, learning all about toys from the past.
Two of our Year 1 classes enjoyed a day packed with activities at the Science Museum.
What great fun our Year 1 classes had on their day at the Science Museum!