07 February 2025
WHJUN Museum Day 2025
Our annual ‘Museum Day’ remains a highlight of the school calendar.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Our annual ‘Museum Day’ remains a highlight of the school calendar.
We have all really enjoyed our class assemblies this half term and it’s so nice for the children to have the opportunity to share their work with parents and other children.
One of our core values at Pegasus is that we ‘strive to be independent learners’.
It has been a wonderful week of festive fun at Whitehorse Manor Junior school.
It was a rare pleasure for me to accompany the WHJUN choir on their annual carol singing visit to Tesco in Thornton Heath this Monday.
The Whitehorse Football Team have been busy this half-term under the watchful eyes of Mr Bloomfield, Mr Anderson and Ms Marshall.
On Monday, the Whitehorse Manor Year 5 and 6 Athletics team competed at the Indoor Athletics Competition held at Lanfranc School.
Our Black History Month celebration is always such a positive way to end the term.
It is always hard to say goodbye to our leavers, and we all enjoy our leavers’ assembly and the range of certificates presented, from the final Gold Awards, to the class based ‘Most likely to…’ certificates which always tell us so much about how well the children and staff know and like each other.
I suppose the only way to really present an assembly about a magical place was with a fully immersive, dare I say ‘magical’ experience.
It was lovely to be joined by Delores’s son, Tyrone, and daughter-in-law, Kirsty, to unveil a bench in memory of Delores at the front of the school.
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of visiting our children on the Year 6 residential trip to Cuffley Activity Camp.
I always think that the best class assemblies just tell parents what you are getting up to at school, because we all know that whenever you ask a child what they did at school the first response is usually: Nothing!
As part of our World Book Day celebration week we were very pleased to open ‘The WHJUN Book Shop’.
The doors to the WHJUN Thematic Museum were thrown open today as we welcomed parents and children to our annual Museum Day.