07 February 2025
Marvellous Museum Day
This morning, the school was full to the brim with parents excited to see their children’s thematic work!
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
This morning, the school was full to the brim with parents excited to see their children’s thematic work!
Harrisons did us proud with our Christmas lunch! The children enjoyed special Christmas table settings, a lovely Christmas lunch and some Christmas music!
The WHINF choir made us so proud this week with their wonderful performance at Tesco.
Please see the leaflet attached to this news story for details about Saturday morning music classes for junior age disabled and neurodivergent children at Oasis Academy Shirley Park.
Family Hubs are for all families with babies, children and Young people from birth to 19 (or up to 25 for young people with SEND).
We had two fabulous Harvest assemblies this week! Well done to the year 1 and 2 children who sang so beautifully in their Harvest assemblies.
Whitehorse Infants would like to introduce this year’s Eco Friends! They have made a great start by completing an Environmental Review of the school to look at what areas we are doing well in and what areas we can improve.
It was lovely to see lots of the Reception parents attend the Mastering Number maths workshop this morning.
Thank you to all the parents who made raffle donations, cake donations and monetary donations.
Children, staff and parents enjoyed a fantastic morning of sporting events last week during Sports Day.
A huge congratulations to all of the Eco Friends at Whitehorse Infants as they have achieved a prestigious Eco Schools Green Flag!
The Eco Friends walked to Heaver’s Meadow last half term to undertake a successful community litter pick.
Today, our Eco Friends continued on their Eco Warrior journey to save the planet by going on a litter pick around the school grounds.
It was lovely to see so many parents attend the reading for pleasure workshop and ‘read with your child’ session.