20 October 2022

Florence Nightingale visits Atwood

Did you know that Florence Nightingale visited Atwood a little while ago?

On Tuesday 11th October, Year 2 were visited by Florence Nightingale, as part of their ‘Famous People’ topic.

Florence shared many exciting facts, and the children travelled back in time with her, as she recalled many events from her life. The children learnt about her early childhood, and how she was always so caring to people and animals. They also discovered she looked after many wounded soldiers during the Crimean War and made a significant difference to the conditions in the hospitals.

Through role play, the children imagined they were children at the time, by learning how to bow and curtsey. They also dressed up as nurses and wounded soldiers to recreate the hospitals. It was a fantastic day, and the children really enjoyed meeting Florence.

Here are some of the facts, which the children wanted to share with you all:

  • ​​The soldiers didn’t have any beds, so they had to lay on the floor.
  • There were rats everywhere in the hospitals. 
  • The soldiers called Florence ‘Lady with the Lamp’.
  • Florence ripped up her dress to make bandages.

Florence Nightingale- Year 2-Famous People

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Published on 20th October, 2022

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