08 December 2023

BINF- Colours, colours everywhere!

In Gold class, we have been learning all about colours. We have looked at and talked about the colours in the rainbow and investigated the colours of different objects. We have particularly enjoyed making and mixing paint to use in our art activities, carrying out colour-dying experiments and we loved our colour hunt in the outside area.

We have also been reading a range of exciting books including, ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear’, ‘What Makes a Rainbow’ and ‘Mouse Paint’.  Please have a look for these stories in our class library so that you can borrow them and share them with your children at home.

In Maths, we have been learning about the following shapes; circle, square, triangle, and rectangle. The children have enjoyed looking for these shapes in our classroom environment and in everyday objects. Look around your home with the children and see if they can spot these shapes.

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Published on 8th December, 2023

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