08 December 2023

Atwood EYFS news – a colourful Christmas world

It is starting to look a lot like Christmas in the Early Years, especially as a lot of the crafts made at Christmas Making day are hanging up in all of the classrooms.

In Reception, we have been travelling around the world investigating the different countries that Granny visited in the book, ‘Granny Went to Market.  We’ve had a go at creating our own representation of the world by studying a world map and cutting out each country to add to our watery planet.  We also had a go at making the different things that Granny bought in each market, such as paper lanterns and stacking dolls.

Mr. X. was busy stealing shapes from our classrooms, much to our concern.  Fortunately, he left some clues on how to find the shapes again and the children were very good at solving the puzzle and rescuing the shapes.  Once rescued, the children were busily using the shapes in their choosing time to make lots of beautiful pictures, such as circular snowmen and triangular trees.

Following on from colours last week, this week Nursery have been experimenting with colour mixing.  We read the book ‘Mouse Paint’ which was about mice that dipped their feet into different paint and made different colours, this caused lots of excitement about colour mixing.

This encouraged us to use different paints to colour mix and experiment to see what colours we could make.  The children have had fun developing their fine motor skills using pipettes to create different coloured potions and exploring what colours were made when combining certain colours. We have also been practising our Christmas songs and actions ready for our Christmas performance.

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Published on 8th December, 2023

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