19 November 2021

CYP Reading News!

Dear Cypress families,

This is turning out to be a busy term for reading! For those of you with children at Upper school, you may have noticed the building work going ahead in the old office area. The Trust are currently transforming this area into our new library space! We have had 3 library design companies in to view the new space and are awaiting the designs. Our Reading Ambassadors have collated the children’s suggestions and will be the first to see the proposed designs. We are delighted that this project, supported by our brilliant PTFA, is finally coming to fruition! Please look out for future news stories!

At Lower, we are very busy organising new decodable reading books as part of the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds programme. Reception have already started to use them for Reading Practice sessions and are really enjoying applying their sounds to reading – please click here for the letter containing more information. We are very impressed with the children’s learning in phonics and reading with our new programme!

Please also watch this space for the re-launch of our Book Swap Huts on both sites. Miss Pumphrey and Mrs Enahoro are preparing the huts to start swapping again. Book Swap enables children to bring in a book from home to swap with one in the hut. The book can be kept or re-swapped. Further information will be sent out with a re-launch date.

On Wednesday Ms McClelland and I ran an information session for parent volunteers to support with reading. We love to have Reading Aunties and Uncles in school to support. If you missed this meeting and would like to find out about volunteering please contact the school offices. We are particularly looking for Reading Aunties and Uncles to support at Upper school after morning drop off. If you have 15 minutes to spare one morning a week we would love to hear from you!

Finally, a gentle reminder that we expect children to read at home 5 times a week, as set out in our Reading Tree rewards. Reading should be recorded in Reading Diaries. Reading underpins all areas of learning and is an essential lifelong skill. We can’t wait for our first Reading Tree rewards at the end of term. Which classes will win a Reading Cafe or Bedtime book afternoon? Who will earn their first bookmark and a chance to win a book in the book raffle????

Keep reading!

Mrs Parker

English Lead

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Published on 19th November, 2021

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