10 November 2023

Atwood Newsletter 10th November 2023

As you can imagine, it has been a very busy week at Atwood in light of our Ofsted inspection.  As a result, this newsletter will be brief.

I know that many of you will be keen to hear details of the inspection and the outcomes.  At this stage, we are not allowed to disclose anything as the report has to be moderated and ratified. However, what I can say is that we are happy with the outcome of the inspection which we thought was fair and thorough.  In many ways it didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know and the inspectors gave lots of positive feedback on the school, the staff and the children.

The report itself will be published later in the term, probably in 5 or 6 weeks’ time.  Much of the detail will not make it in to the final report due to Ofsted’s ‘house style’ and the need for brevity but once it has been published, I hope to be able to give a little more detail where required.  In the meantime, I can say that we are incredibly proud of all the children who behaved impeccably throughout the inspection and, when asked, spoke eloquently about the school and their learning.  I have shared some of the inspectors’ comments with them in assembly this week.  I am also incredibly proud of the whole staff team who worked tirelessly to celebrate the school and all that it does.  It was a real team effort and the experience showed what a committed and talented group there is at Atwood. I am extremely grateful to them all.

Even with Ofsted in school, we have had lots going on.  Nursery had a special visitor this week when they met Tencil the Tawny Owl and learnt all about how these birds live.  In assemblies we have spoken about Poppies, The Royal British Legion and Remembrance and shown our respect with a minute’s silence.

In Year 6, we heard from children who wanted to be Head Boy and Head Girl and selected from a very strong cohort of applicants.  All those who showed an interest have been appointed as prefects but especially well done to Sofia and Nathan as Head Girl and Boy and Eloise and Antonio who were selected as deputies.

We also had a number of children participating in Croydon Schools Cross Country event at Lloyd Park.  They did a fantastic job and you can read more about their exploits on the website here.



Thank you to everyone who took the trouble to complete the Ofsted Parent Survey.  Although we do not get to see the responses we were informed that there were many positive comments about the school.  As always, if you have an issue or concern that you would like to raise then please seek out a member of staff and then we can help.


A reminder that we are running our annual Book Fair from Monday 13th November until Friday 17th November.   It will be based in the library after school every evening that week, from 3.20pm.  Get organised for Christmas and start to stock up with some fantastic books for children all ages.


Please check the dates below as new dates are being added:

  • Thursday 16th November Year 2 Hampton Court Trip
  • Friday 17th November Year 6 Trip to Natural History Museum
  • Wednesday 22nd November Parent/ carer reading workshops 3-4pm repeated 5-6pm
  • Friday 24th November Dad’s Breakfast 8.45-9.45am
  • Wednesday 13th December Year 3&4 Christmas Show 9.30am and 2.30pm
  • Thursday 14th December Reception Christmas performances 9.10am and 2.30pm
  • Friday 15th December Year 5&6 Christmas Show 9.30am and 2pm.
  • Tuesday 19thDecember: KS1 Christmas performances 9.30am and 2pm. Details to follow.
  • Thursday 21stDecember: End of autumn term

Mr. Robins

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Published on 10th November, 2023

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