09 February 2024

ATW celebrate Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 6th February was Safer Internet Day, which is a globally celebrated event to raise awareness of a better and safer internet for all,.  This year’s focus was joining together to create a better internet.

Here at Atwood, we started our learning with a whole school assembly to recap previous Safer Internet Day celebrations and introduce this year’s new topic.  We looked at how the internet and technology has changed over the years and how we are capable of making small changes too.  All of the children were challenged to go away and think about what small things they could do to have a positive impact on our connected world.

Throughout the school, everybody participated in lessons to develop their understanding of how to stay safe online.  In the older year groups, the children were thinking about how the internet influences us and how we can influence it.  The younger children in the school looked at how technology and the internet can change people’s feelings and recapped how to respond to online safety concerns.

All of the classes created pledges of what they could do to make a safer and better internet for all.  Attached are a selection of some of the children’s fantastic work.

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Published on 9th February, 2024

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