31 January 2025

ATW Atwood Newsletter 31 January 2025

In Reception the children have been thinking about Chinese New Year. You can read more here:


This week, Year 1 have been looking at instruction writing and made their own cup and ball.  They then used the features of instructions to write down how the cup and ball was made.  In maths, the children have subtracted ones using number bonds and found the difference between two numbers.  They have also found related subtraction facts and solved addition and subtraction word problems.  During art, the children used their colour mixing skills to paint a picture of a teddy bear.  They have also designed a toy in DT, which they will make next week.

This week in Year 2, the children have been learning about the Great Fire of London imagining that they were in London during 1666. They have been discussing what they might have seen, heard, smelt or felt if they experienced this key event. In Maths, the children have been continuing their fraction learning and in Thematic the children learnt about what caused the fire before creating an information poster.

Year 3 have been learning all about arrays this week.  They have been investigating the commutability of multiplication and learning about the difference between the product and the sum of two numbers.  In English the children have been mapping out their stories based on Cinderella.  In Art the children have been recreating Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale’s depiction of Katharine of Aragon and Henry VIII.  The children have been using a stippling technique with watercolours to create texture.  Ruby class also managed to fit in a trip to Warlingham library.

 Year 4 have had a busy week.  They published their Escape from Pompeii stories before moving on to read and perform poetry including The Cat Rap by Grace Nichols.  In science the children were investigating how sound travels through solid objects by making a string telephone.  Does the length of the string affect the sound?  The children have also been making mosaic tiles and thinking about their design for their Roman purses.

 Year 5 have begun writing their letters to the King asking for his support in tackling deforestation in the Amazon.  The children have also been planning their DT project based on moving toys with cams.  With a bit of good luck, these should be ready for Museum Day next week. In science, the children have been learning about lifecycles.

This week in Year 6, the children had a trip to The British Museum linked to their Ancient Egypt topic.  Whilst there, the children got to see canopic jars, shabtis and The Rosetta Stone.  This visit really helps to bring alive all their learning in school.  The children have previously researched and written about the ownership of the stone so to see this magnificent Egyptian artefact in real life was great.  The children are also reading the book “The Red Pyramid” and writing a linked narrative. The children have been thinking about integrating dialogue into their stories.  Again, the visit really helps to bring the story alive.  The children were excellent ambassadors for the school on the trip.  Thank you to all the parents who helped out. Finally in Thematic lessons, they have been making their own Historical and Ancient Egyptian Timelines.

Sports News

It just about stopped raining long enough for the Atwood football teams to get back in action this week.

On Thursday, the boys played a home game against Forestdale and ran out 4-1 winners. Against a strong side, there were goals from Ollie C (2), Aidan and Courtney.  James made some very important saves in goal and Peter put in an excellent battling midfield performance to keep the opposition in check.  All the boys played brilliantly and were deserved winners.

Also on Thursday, the girls’ team had an away match against Gresham.  The girls came up a against a well drilled team with some very good players and unfortunately went down to a 3-0 loss.  Nevertheless, the girls are all learning and developing their skills and we are proud of them.

Museum Day

Hopefully, you have seen the letter that went out this week regarding next week’s Museum Day.  We are very much looking forward to welcoming everyone to school and the children are excited to share their thematic learning with you.  For those that didn’t see the letter, the museum will be open from 9.05 until 10.15am in the morning.  Please gather at the front of the school and our tour guides will be on hand to show you around.  Whilst we understand that you are keen to see your child’s work, we would encourage you to visit the whole school as you will be able to see the learning that goes on in every year group. You are also reminded that the visit is not intended to offer an extended opportunity to sit and work with your child or look through all of their schoolbooks.  The museum will be open again after school for parents and carers to visit.

Some children in some year groups may be coming in to school in costume and this information will be shared by each year group or class.  If you have not been advised of a uniform change, your child should come to school in their normal uniform or PE kit for the day.

Bumped Heads

In order to streamline our processes for reporting on head bumps we have changed the way in which we will report them to you.  If your child has had a minor bump and been deemed fit to return to class you will receive a generic email informing you and advising you of how to monitor your child at home.  Your child will come home with a bright orange form with more details of the accident so look out for it in your child’s school bag.  In the event of a more serious bump or if they need more medical attention, we will continue to call you and ask you to collect your child from school.

Inventors Club

This half term one of the after-school clubs that we are running is an inventors’ club.  For the past couple of weeks, the children have been building their own light sabres.  The children have had to build the casing as well as think about making sure all the wiring and electrics and functioning inside.


Please check because new dates are being added all the time.


Friday 7th February: Atwood Museum Day

Monday 10th January:  Year 6 to Riddlesdown for drama production

Friday 14th February: Break for half term

Monday 24th February: Return to school

Friday 28th February: Ruby class assembly

Friday 28th February: Year 3 Warlingham library visit (Jade Class)

Thursday 6th March: World Book Day

Week beginning 10th March: Year Whitgift Project

Monday 10th March: Year 2 London Trip

Week beginning Monday 17th March: Year 5 Carroty Wood Residential

Monday 17th March: Parents’ evening

Tuesday 18th March: Parents’ evening

Friday 21st March:  Year 4 Walk to Kingswood

Friday 21st March: Orange class assembly

Tuesday 1st April: Class Photos

Friday 4th April: End of spring term

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Published on 31st January, 2025

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