05 April 2022

Year 6 Unleash Their Inner Lady Macbeth

As part of our literacy unit on Shakespeare’s Macbeth, we have been delving into the killer mind of Lady Macbeth.  The children have studied her motives and the power she holds over her husband.  They have written a monologue as Lady Macbeth, persuading Macbeth to kill King Duncan and take the throne of Scotland for himself.  They have effectively used persuasive devices such as hyperbole and flattery as well as rhetorical questions.  They particularly enjoyed using Shakespearean style language in their writing.  We hope that you enjoy reading these examples of their work.

Monologue 1

Monologue 2

Monologue 3

Monologue 4

Monologue 5

Monologue 6

Monologue 7

Monologue 8


Published on 5th April, 2022

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