22 October 2021

BINF – Year 2 Visit Hampton Court Palace

Year 2 have been spoilt with a trip to Hampton Court Palace.  They were swept off to King Henry VIII’s palace as part of their ‘Tudor’ topic. They were greeted by Thomas Risely, who taught the children about Tudor manners and dancing. They also looked at some exciting artefacts such as feathers, coins and a cow bone made spoon.

After lunch, the children discovered how all the extravagant food was prepared in Henry’s kitchen and how the eavesdroppers would listen in on conversations around the Palace. They then had a peek at Henry’s diamond encrusted crown. They ended up in the Haunted Gallery where Catherine Howard’s spirit is believed to roam.

When asked how the trip went, ‘brilliant’, ‘fun’ and ‘amazing’ were some of the responses from children.

Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to support us on this wonderful outing!


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Published on 22nd October, 2021

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