15 April 2024
EPS – FOBBS competition results are in!
At the end of the spring term children were invited to take part in a competition to celebrate the launch of the Figures of Black British Society (FOBBS) app.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
At the end of the spring term children were invited to take part in a competition to celebrate the launch of the Figures of Black British Society (FOBBS) app.
This week we held our annual Easter egg raffle and it was a huge success!
Starting next week, Ecclesbourne is bidding for a cash boost from the Tesco Stronger Starts scheme, which provides grant awards of up to £1,500 to local community projects.
Today the three rock bands who have been working hard with the Rock Steady teacher this term gave their first performances, rocking out in the hall to thunderous applause.
To celebrate World Book Day, children were all invited to select a book from the World Book Day range at school.
Ecclesbourne marked World Book Day 2024 with a celebration of all things poetry.
Today, award-winning poet and rap artist, Karl Nova, visited EPS to work with our KS2 children.
Book week celebrations continued on Monday with a fantastic visit from children’s author, Grace Francis.
Today, six budding poets representing Years 1-6 travelled to Whitehorse Manor to perform in the Pegasus poetry competition and they did us proud!
Today our newly-elected wellbeing ambassadors held their inaugural meeting facilitated by Mrs Roberts.
Today, Ecclesbourne pupils and staff pulled out all the stops to dazzle the visiting crowds with a variety of carefully-curated exhibitions.
Today, Mr Francis delivered an informative assembly to help children develop their understanding of ways to stay safe online.
This week we enjoyed a lovely reading cafe in Key Stage 1.
On Tuesday 30th January, Key Stage 2 pupils at Ecclesbourne were treated to an motivational talk by James Ketchell.
On Monday, the Ecclesbourne choir performed at the Young Voices event at the O2 arena as part of ‘the largest school choir in concert the world’.