Do you want to be involved in fundraising?

Do you want to meet other parents and contribute to the school?

Then be part of Cypress Primary School’s Parent, Teacher and Friend Association (PTFA)

The PTFA run events that raise funds and bring the school community together.  These include fairs, quiz nights, cake sales, discos, family bingo, and the Cypress Secret Garden Party

How much do we raise?  In 2023/24 we raised an incredible £16k.

How is the money spent?  The money has been spent on school wide projects such as contributing towards the Saplings and Woodland libraries on each site and developing the garden area and outdoor classroom at the Upper School.  Funding has also been used for additional resources for each year group and to help cover transport costs for enriching visits such as the Year 6 trip to see Matilda in the West End.

Ever thought about playing an active role in the PTFA?  It’s a great way to be part of the school community, to meet other parents and carers and support the school.  There are lots of different ways to help depending on the time you have and your interests – from the end of term disco, volunteering at our events or acting as a class representative.  Chat to a member of the PTFA, message us on Facebook, or speak to the Head or Deputy Head of School.

Our current PTFA chair is Laura Good and the treasurer is Chanelle Thornton.

Charity no. 1026393.

First published on 10th October, 2024 and modified 15th October, 2024

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